Louisiana Area 4 archery season starts October 1, 2023
If you don’t have you 2023-2024 Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries regulations, here is a link to the pdf book.
If you need a blood trail dog to help you locate your wounded deer, we are here to help you.
If you are in LDWF Area 4, I cover all of Washington Parish, Tangipahoa Parish, St. Tammany, and parts of St Helena Parish.
You can call or text me directly at 985-630-8475
If you are unable to contact me or I am already on a track and you prefer not to wait try Louisiana Blood Trail Network on Facebook. Louisiana Blood Trailing Network is a group dedicated to hunters helping hunters, with the assistance of blood trailing dogs, which voluntarily help other hunter recover down or wounded deer. Hunters assume all liability and agree to hold harmless LABTN volunteers and their blood trailing dogs while in the process of recovering deer on your property:
Click here for Louisiana Blood Trail Network page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/857138027658781/